Islamic Arts Museum - Kuala Lumpur Tours

The ascent of Islam, its rich history and magnificent civilizations has earned it prominence in the history of mankind. The treasures and cultures of these artisans have bestowed upon us an appreciation and understanding of Islamic arts and culture.

The success of the World Islamic Civilization Festival held at the Islamic Center of Kuala Lumpur in 1994, saw the compelling need to establish a permanent center of learning and research to preserve its history, arts and cultural heritage.

The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (IAMM) was officially opened on December 12, 1998 (23 Syaaban 1419), as a gift to the people of Malaysia and the international community from the Albukhary Foundation, with the assistance of the Malaysian government and the Islamic Department of the Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM).

Inside Islamic Arts Museum most beautiful

The museum itself is pretty neat also. 
Every room has an intricate domed ceiling.


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